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Publishing your Google Cloud Project App: Resolve Google's queries

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This article is part 3 of a 4 part series on how to publish your Google Cloud Project App

Previous article: Ask Google to publish your app

Once you’ve submitted your app for review, Google will start asking you a series of questions to ensure your app is compliant with their policies.

This article will have some tips to help you avoid some of the pitfalls we encountered.


1. Use Google’s oficial branding

If you have a Google logo such in a “Sign in with Google” button, make sure you’re using the official Google branding, this means, the official fonrt, the official logo with the official colors, etc.

2. Follow Google’s guidelines

Google has a lot of guidelines for the content you should be putting in your landing page, the privacy policy, etc. Make sure you follow them to the letter.

You can find the guidelines here:

3. Be patient

The process can take a while, so be patient. Google will ask you a lot of questions and you’ll have to provide a lot of information.

4. Be honest

If you’re not sure about something, just say it. It’s better to be honest than to lie and get your app rejected.

How to proceed

Once the Google peeps have reviewed everything and are satisfied with your answers, they will give you the green light to proceed to the next step.

This green light will come in the form of an email inviting you to start the CASA Tier 2 certification.

Now you can proceed to the next step: Get the CASA Tier 2 certification