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How to centralize and visualize your app logs in Grafana

Published: at 10:00 AM

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You’re tired of sshing into your server, cding into your log directory and using cat or vim to struggle and find logs for your application.

This is what we were doing at Emilio at first, then Loki came into our lifes and changed everything.

If this is your case, look no further, you’re in the right place to set up a free and open source solution to easily visualize, filter and find the log lines you’re looking for!

What’s the setup?

Setup overview

1. Promtail

Promtail is a client installed in the same server where your application lives.

It continuously reads the log files and sends them to the Loki instance.

2. Loki

Think of Loki as a log database.

It’s a service that receives the logs from Promtail and stores them so they can then be queried from a client.

3. Grafana

First of all, if you do not know Grafana, it is AMAZING for creating dashboards.

Having said this, Grafana will be the client in charge of querying Loki and


There are many ways to set up this stack.

For the sake of simplicity and because I love it, I will tech you how to set up everything using Docker.

Setting up Promtail

Go into your server’s console and locate the full path of the log files you want to track.

For me this will be /var/logs/myapplogs/

1. Create a directory for your promtail setup

cd ~
mkdir promtail && cd promtail

2. Download the Promtail YAML config file

wget <> -O promtail-config.yaml

Make sure you check what the latest version of Promtail is here:

3. Modify the config file

  http_listen_port: 9080
  grpc_listen_port: 0

  filename: /tmp/positions.yaml

  - url: https://<your-loki-endpoint>/loki/api/v1/push

- job_name: system
  - targets:
      - localhost
      job: <your job name>
      __path__: /path/to/logs/*.log

Here’s an explanation of what everything means in this file:

Server Block:

Positions Block

Clients Block

Understanding job_name, targets, and labels

Strategies to log files:

  - job_name: my_app
      - targets: ["localhost"]
          job: my_logs
          __path__: /path/to/logs/{log1,log2}.log
  - job_name: django
      - targets: ["localhost"]
          job: django_logs
          __path__: /path/to/logs/django.log

  - job_name: worker
      - targets: ["localhost"]
          job: worker_logs
          __path__: /path/to/logs/worker.log

4. Create a docker compose file

nano docker-compose.yml
version: '3.8'
    restart: always
    image: grafana/promtail:2.9.4
      - ./promtail-config.yaml:/mnt/config/promtail-config.yaml
      - /path/to/logs:/path/to/logs
      - "-config.file=/mnt/config/promtail-config.yaml"

5. Run it!

docker compose up

Setting up Loki

I have a homelab, so I like my services in separate containers but you can run Loki and Grafana together!

1. Create a working directory

mkdir loki && cd loki

2. Copy the YAML config file

wget <> -O loki-config.yam

Again, make sure you’re using the latest version.

3. Modify the config file if you need to

Normally I don’t touch this file as I like the defaults.

Feel free to check it’s contents and modify anything for your needs.

4. Create a docker compose file

nano docker-compose.yml
version: '3.8'
    restart: always
    image: grafana/loki:2.9.4
      - ./loki-config.yaml:/mnt/config/loki-config.yaml
      - "3100:3100"
      - "-config.file=/mnt/config/loki-config.yaml"

5. Run Loki!

docker compose up

6. Set up a reverse proxy if needed

Loki needs to be pingable by both Promtail and Grafana, thus if you’re running every instance in different networks you will need to expose the service.

If everything is in the same machine or your local network you can skip this step.

7. Check the Loki instance status

Go to <loki-endpoint>:3100/ready and <loki-endpoint>:31000/metrics and make sure everything is pingable.

Setting up everything in Grafana

✅ For a more detailed guide on how to query logs in Grafana, look into this recent article.

I won’t go on details on how to set up a Grafana instance as there are a million guides already. With docker, it’s quite straightforward.

1. Add your Loki connection

Go to connections and add a Loki connection.

Just follow the UI and point the connection to your Loki endpoint.

When you hit Save and Test you should receive a message that everything is working correctly.

Note: Sometime Loki takes a while to initialize, make sure <loki-endpoint>:3100/ready is showing “Ready”.

2. Go to the explore tab and select the Loki connection

Explore tab

3. Select the log file you want to analyze

In Label filters select the log file you want:

Label filters

4. Filter the logs

You can add as many Operations as you want, the simplest one is Like contains:


5. View line in context

So you found the log line you were looking for but want to see what happened before and after.


Just click on the Log line and hit Show context

6. Seeing live logs

Just click on Live

Live logs button

7. Create a custom dashboard

If you want to get fancy and see graphs on how many logs you’re generating or how many times you had errors on a timeline you can create a Dashboard.

Because dashboards are a creative thing I won’t go into how you can create one but you can check this guide out.